The Function keys or F-keys on a computer keyboard, labeled F1 through F12, are keys that have a special function defined by the operating system, or by a currently running program. They may be combined with the Alt or Ctrl keys.
The Caps Lock button on a Computer keyboard, when pressed, causes all letters to be generated in capitals until deactivated. It is located in the position of a similar Shift Key (and sometimes a Ctrl Key) found in some other keyboard layouts. It is usually a toggle key: each press reverses its action.
The Alt Key (pronounced /ˈɔːlt/ or /ˈʌlt/) on a computer keyboard is used to change (alternate) the function of other pressed keys. Thus, the Alt key is a modifier key, used in a similar fashion to the Shift key.
The Ctrl Key is the Control key on a Computer keyboard is labeled Ctrl. You use the Control key in the same way that you use the Shift Key: Keeping it pressed down while pressing another character. The result is a Control key combination, which can have different meanings depending on which Application Program you are running.

The Windows Key is a key found on IBM compatible keyboards used with the Microsoft Windows operating system. The Windows Key has the Microsoft logo on it and is found between the left Ctrl and Alt Keys on the keyboard. Pressing the Windows Key opens the Start Menu.
The Shift Key is a modifier key on a Computer keyboard, used to type capital letters and other alternate "upper" characters. There are typically two Shift Keys, on the left and right sides of the row below the home row.
The Tab key Tab ↹ (abbreviation of tabulator key or tabular key) on a keyboard is used to advance the cursor to the next tab stop.On Computer keyboards, the Esc Key (named Escape key in the international standard series ISO/IEC 9995) is a key used to generate the escape character (which can be represented as ASCII code 27 in decimal, Unicode U+001B, or Ctrl + [ ).
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