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Quote of the Day

BarneyMF Blog - Quote of the Day

Fatherhood and motherhood goes beyond given birth to a child.

Hello friends!
Today I'm going to start with single mothers, if you are a single mother, don't see the child as a bounden to you, see that child as a gift from God, train the child.
If you train the child very well, the child will grow and be a blessing to you and the entire community at large.

Fatherhood goes beyond given birth to a child, you have to start taking responsibility as a father to the child, as you're taking good care of the child, also take good care of child's mother, even if you are not together as Husband and Wife.

When two are living as husband and wife, you two should join hands and train the child, when the husband is correcting the child when he/she has done something wrong, as a mother join your husband, next time the child won't repeat the same mistake all over again.

Training a child is not mainly the responsibility of the child's parents only, but to anyone related to the child as a teacher, lecturer, adviser etc. Any child can be corrected and taught to be responsible in life by anyone, as a responsibly child, when you are corrected, don't despise the correction and advice given to do, obey.

Especially when you feel the person advising you are not living to his/her words, just take the good words, make good use of those words, it's for your own betterment in life.

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